Brown Gas Therapy

Wild west wellness & thermography is introducing brown gas therapy to our services

Brown’s Gas is very similar to hydrogen inhalation therapy. This therapy involves breathing in hydrogen and oxygen gas at a low concentration via a nasal cannula.
While you can ingest hydrogen in other ways, like through water, hydrogen inhalation is the most efficient method, delivering molecular hydrogen directly to the blood.

This makes the hydrogen immediately available to the rest of the body through blood circulation. Hydrogen therapy is well-studied, with over 1,000 scientific studies suggesting a multitude of molecular hydrogen benefits in almost every organ in the human body.

Brown’s Gas has been found to be a rich source of hydrogen and oxygen (Hydro-oxi) which can be utilized by the body for faster recovery or cellular regeneration. The benefits of molecular hydrogen therapy are greatly improved with Brown’s Gas as it is simply richer than simple molecular hydrogen or oxygen. Brown's gas travels in your blood into every cell for nutrition and relief of issues related to dehydration.